Life is good... Enjoy what you have, and forget about what you don't!

Friday, December 16, 2005

I'm back in action...

It's nice to be back in a routine. I've started working out regularly and eating healthy again. It's funny how your body relies on it so much. I used to workout out anywhere between 6 and 9 times a week at the beginning of the year, but once I switched jobs, I found I wasn't making the time to exercise. So not only was I miserable at work, I also, wasn't doing much of anything I liked doing for my "me" time. Anyway 3 months later, I quit that God awful job, and found another. So here I am back to having it my way. I love my job and work out regularly.

Ok so you might be asking yourself what the point of all this is... Well, as I said earlier, your body has a way of reacting to things. I used to be able to jog for about 30 minutes straight, do my advance yoga without any complaints, and the kick boxing classes without loosing my breath. After the three month lapse on my routines I couldn't jog past 5 minutes without getting that nasty pain in your side, forget the advance yoga, as I could not balance on one leg more than 2 minutes, and not to mention the kick boxing classes... I would have to stop a couple times to catch my breath... I tell you, three months was enough to get me to realize what a lazy ass I was being...

Well anyway I've been working out regularly again for about 4 weeks... And last night I was so proud of myself because I was able to jog for 20 minutes... No pain... no loss of breath... I LOVE IT.. I was so stoked! Yoga is still challenging, but I'm sure it will get easier... oh and the kick boxing classes... those... those have definitely been easiest.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Don't Take Things Personal

I’ve come to the realization that we (as humans) are selfish people. Although I think it’s normal and the majority of us don’t do it purposely we still some how manage to make things about “us”.

Now, I do understand that there are a few people out there that are a lot more self- centered than the average, and these are the people who ALWAYS have drama in their lives. No matter how much they might want to live a peaceful life, they wont be able to. They are way too needy and way too into themselves to be able to live without all the attention on them.

You see I started reading this book called “The Four Agreements”. It’s really quite good, it talks about the four agreements we should have with ourselves. They are: 1.Be Impeccable with Your Word 2. Don’t Take Anything Personal 3. Don’t Make Assumptions and 4. Always Do Your Best. All four, great agreements, and actually words you can live by… but the one that seems to stand out the most is number 2. Don’t Take Things Personal.

So many times have people been misunderstood because the other person took something personal. And so many times we get so hurt when people say things to hurt us, when in fact, if we didn’t take it personal, we would understand that they themselves are simply hurt and mad. I understand that we all have to vent, and at one point or another we all blow up and are frustrated and say really stupid things… but have you noticed that those are the moments when we, ourselves, are hurt and mad?

Heh… just a little something to get those wheels turning! :)

Friday, December 02, 2005

My Unfortunate Event...

So although this week has been filled with many many busy unfortunate events and a few nice ones... let me describe to you the one that has stood out the most... unfortunate... but definately humorous!

Thursday night, a friend of mine (with two girls 3 and 5 years old and a husband who travels often) asks me if I can watch the girls for a few hours later this evening, because her husband is out of town. I agreed and showed up tired and exhausted... but still looking forward to hanging out with the girls... during the middle of the evening the oldes girl decides she wants to color, and pulls a large gallon size bag of markers and crayons and a stack of paper off the table and plops it down in the middle of the living room floor. Right as both of the girls and I were getting ready to distribute paper and coloring tools the phone rings... I walked to the kitche answered it.. and found it was their father... so he chats with the older girl first for a few minutes and then with the youngest for a little bit less, before the youngest hands the phone to me. I take the phone and start talking to him, while walking back to the base to put the phone back... at most 3 minutes... 3 MINUTES...

When I turn around to find the youngest with a pair of sizors in one hand and her hair in the other... giving herself a haircut! I raise my voice from across the hall, walk towards her and tell her "put those sizors down, you may not cut your hair... sizors are for paper only" yatti yatti...
Then, I run my fingers through her hair (to see how much she cut off) and notice... a wod of hair stays in my hand (similar to when dogs shed).. it turns out (like most preschoolers) her fine motor skills and pincer grip has not fully developed so she couldnt close the sizors correctly so she mainly shaved most of it... egh!

I was so mad at myself mainly for not being there... I know had it been my own child I probably would have smirked initially... because in the end... you can't change the past... and also it is something that most children are curious about... but being that they were NOT my children... I was mortified...

Needless to say... I told their mom. Luckily she is like me.. so she did smile and assured me... that it was not a big deal to her... THANK GOD!

Ok.. Possitive point of the week- I completed HW, Project assignment, and my 3DQ's sparing 3 days! I LOVE IT!