Life is good... Enjoy what you have, and forget about what you don't!

Friday, December 16, 2005

I'm back in action...

It's nice to be back in a routine. I've started working out regularly and eating healthy again. It's funny how your body relies on it so much. I used to workout out anywhere between 6 and 9 times a week at the beginning of the year, but once I switched jobs, I found I wasn't making the time to exercise. So not only was I miserable at work, I also, wasn't doing much of anything I liked doing for my "me" time. Anyway 3 months later, I quit that God awful job, and found another. So here I am back to having it my way. I love my job and work out regularly.

Ok so you might be asking yourself what the point of all this is... Well, as I said earlier, your body has a way of reacting to things. I used to be able to jog for about 30 minutes straight, do my advance yoga without any complaints, and the kick boxing classes without loosing my breath. After the three month lapse on my routines I couldn't jog past 5 minutes without getting that nasty pain in your side, forget the advance yoga, as I could not balance on one leg more than 2 minutes, and not to mention the kick boxing classes... I would have to stop a couple times to catch my breath... I tell you, three months was enough to get me to realize what a lazy ass I was being...

Well anyway I've been working out regularly again for about 4 weeks... And last night I was so proud of myself because I was able to jog for 20 minutes... No pain... no loss of breath... I LOVE IT.. I was so stoked! Yoga is still challenging, but I'm sure it will get easier... oh and the kick boxing classes... those... those have definitely been easiest.


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