Life is good... Enjoy what you have, and forget about what you don't!

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Selective Perception, coincidence, or Simply Signs?

Do you ever wonder if some things are selective perceptions... Coincidences or simply just sings?
Let me explain, a few days ago some friends, who are severely into the Herbalife business, gave me their shpeel on how successful they have become by making thousands of dollars in months, and how taking the pill have also made them healthier... yati yati... Anyway since then, each day I have seen at least one billboard, one building, one car, or something of that nature advertising Herbalife... so tell me... would you consider it selective perception, a coincidence, or simply a sign?
Now, let me start this by saying I am a fair believer of signs... I believe things happen for a reason, and I do believe things always have a tendency to work themselves out... so with this, I've come to the conclusion, that the majority of the time.. it is our selective perceptions that cause us to pin point something once we have been exposed to it or built some kind of relation to it... e.i... the Herbalife sign with me. I have also figured, that signs are usually what I chose to call a coincidence that brings most reason to a decision I need to make or something I want. Making my decision or my want, easier to make... Interesting how it all is inter linked... and how when we want things... we figure out a way to convince us we want it.. Regardless...
But don't worry... I won't be getting Herbalife pills, an Herbalife sticker, or starting my Herbalife business anytime soon...

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Is it normal...

Is it normal to feel a pain on the left side if your chest when you cry?
Is it normal to want to divorce your family?
Is it normal to want someone so bad it hurts?
Is it normal to want to be loved by someone so much, they make you smile... even when they aren't around?
Or is it just me?

A Good Friend Once Said...

A good friiend once said...
"personal baggage is just that, baggage, it's meant to be in the closet most of the time, and only pulled out when you are entering a different zone".
And yet I wonder, is there some guy out there who will one day accept me and my baggage? Its not like I have a big suitcase size baggage, at most its a weekend travel bag. But I think it come out more often than most.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Im coming back...

Slowly, but surely... I am coming back!

I've been sick as a dog. I've had a head cold for the past couple of weeks, my face has been breaking out like I should be in high school, and if things couldn't get any worse... I got a huge cold sore on my lip. Yep... Swelled 1/2 of my upper lip so bad.. it looked like I had been beaten. Ahh... bright side... hmm I think I have a new job - I will know for sure by Friday.

Ive noticed Ive been really stressed these passed couple of weeks and I need to relax. Hopefully that will come soon...

Thursday, August 18, 2005

It's been quite a week...

This week has truly sucked.
Working long hours, putting a marketing proposal together, and dealing with crazy family members has not only made this week hell, but it has also made me bitter.

What I want to know is why, why is it so dang hard for me to tell some people no. Tell me, why can't I just say... "you fucked up, sorry you made poor decisions, but, now you need to deal with the consequences and not rely on others to help you through it." I mean, really, I live my life struggling, working like a dog to better myself and enjoy what little free time I have... then again don't most of us... so why should some be so different? Seriously, it sucks majorly... when I say no, I feel guilty... agh!

Ok enough bitching... Positive point of this post.... hmmm.... I saw Jojo this week (my 2 1/2 year-old cousin)... God I love that girl... she is so dang cute... says the cutest things... and is always giving hugs, kissing, and saying "I bo-boo" (her words for I love you).

AHHHH... Friday...mmmmm

Sunday, August 14, 2005

I quit!

Sometimes, I just want to quit!
I want to quit my job,
I want to quit my family,
I want to quit my life.
(don't worry... I don't give up that easily)
I' m just tired of everything.
I feel as though things are simply flowing... and not progressing.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Why is it...

Why is it... when we finally get a hold on one part of our lives... the other starts to shrivel up?
I finally feel like my finances are in check. But yet... I know school has been pushed away and many friends have been neglected. I have to admit. I'm a bit lucky, most of my friends have been very understanding, and very supportive.... but for how long, is my question.
I have been through a couple more interviews. I have one, specifically, that I am really psyched for... and although I don't want to get my hopes up... I am really really hoping for it. I want this one so bad, I think that if they say no, my heart might just get a little hairline crack.
I hope to hear from them this coming week.