Life is good... Enjoy what you have, and forget about what you don't!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

If you're un-happy, ~Leave

So on May 1, 2007 immigrants took to the street to protest and ask for "a clear path to become citizens".
Now I have mixed feelings about this. While I understand that many of these protestors are illegally residing here yet are working and are contributors to our economy, it's hard to say, yes, swear them in, and let them have all the benefits everone else has. Here is why~
It is not guaranteed that all are hard working, responsible individuals. It is also not guaranteed, that they will continue to do that once they are citizens. It is sad, but it was reported that "aprrox 1,500 LA County school district students participated in the walk out, all from 9 high school and 6 middle schools". I guarantee you, you ask these kids, WHAT the protest was about, and the majority would not know what to say.
I just think, it is a tough decision, and is not one that can be made in the snap of a finger.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

We all need dreams

I will not even begin to apologize for such a delay in writing again. All I will say is "school"~

Okay so all is fair. Maynor moved to FL. I'm a bit jealous, simply because, I imagine how great it must be to move out and b on your own. UGH... oh well. Good news is I have about 3 semesters left. I'm excited. EXTREMELY excited.

Okay so I watched "Running With Scissor" on Sunday, it was different, COMPLETELY different than what I thought, BUT, I did get this out of it~

~"Everyone needs a dream. Without a dream, we have no purpose"

I agree... we all need something to strive for.