Life is good... Enjoy what you have, and forget about what you don't!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Straight Hair Theory

So I have a theory. Women with straight hair advance at a faster pace professionally and receive more attention than those with curly hair.
I have curly hair, and even though I comb it every morning, by the end of the day it's completely all over the place. It's only natural that the wave/curls have a mind of their own and do as feel, so I have accepted and moved on.
Now, sometimes, usually for special occasions, meetings, interviews... times where I feel I need to "present" myself, I will put in that extra 1.5 hour and straighten my hair. Now you wont even believe the difference in reactions I get. From family members to strangers... someone has something to say.
Ex: Christmas Eve dinner with the family, my hair is straight and pulled back into a pony tail with side swept bangs almost covering my right eye. The first thing my aunts tell me is how nice my hair color is and what a great hair cut I have. Now, the interesting part is that the color and cut they were talking about was done about a month before which they had seem me on Thanksgiving with.
Ex: At work we get contracted electricians that come in, and every morning for the past few months the same guys have been working in the hall way I come in through, and every morning I say "goodmorning". They usually will smile acknolwege me and keep on their business. Now the days I have straight hair. They will initiate the "goodmorning" and usually add an extra "great whether" or "aren't you cold"... Yeah... Interesting right?
So my theory... Technically... I have proven it. I've also noticed that the women in management (or higher) positions in the company I work for... all have straight hair.
Just my theory... thats all!

MIA.... but now I'm back

So, I'm back. I've been MIA... and missing my blogging... but here I am... back again!

I've started school full time this term. I've decided to attend full time through the summer so that I can graduate this year and start my MBA by fall. egh... I can even say write it with out breaking into hives.

So the year is fairly new... and not much has changed. Work is going smoothly and the rest of my life is fairly well too. I've been getting a couple of cold soars back to back... but egh... they are going away.

So... my main goal this year is to move out. I am desperate to leave my moms nest and start my own. My own privacy, my own space... the whole deal. I'm shooting for April or May... If you love you'll cross your fingers for me! LOL

Well its nice to be back... and I promise it wont be long for the next post.!