Fucken Headache!

That stupid training fucked me up. I've had a headache since I left the training on Tuesday and it wont go away. The worst part is that it comes with nausea. I can't be on the computer for too long or, watch TV for more than a half hour, without my eyes feeling tired, my head hurting, and the nausea start up. I hate feeling shitty. This is not me!
So it was a pretty lame weekend. I felt tired and shitty so I didn’t do much. I spent most of Sunday in bed curled up in my bed watching movies in the dark… kinda nice, but I would have much better preferred being outside enjoying the nice whether.
Any who, today at work was interesting, some how, my friend/mentor, Heide and I started talking about how she wants to baptize her youngest, Hannah. Apparently if a child doesn’t get baptize and something happens to them, the don’t go straight to heaven… they go to a place (I think) called Limbo… Now I’ve known Hannah since she was in Heide’s belly, probably even a gleam in her eye… So, I asked Heide who she would pick as Hannah’s Godmother… and she said she would pick me. So of course, I am completely honored (now mind you, chances of this “baptism” happening are pretty slim at the moment)… so then I asked her if she had a will and life insurance… and who she would leave the girls (God forbid) anything happen to her and Rick… and she said one of her sisters (who has two girls of her own)… then she looks at me and says… would you take them… if we left them to you… and I said, of course (mind you, I’m the one who wants four kids).. so we are discussing this mad mess about wills, death, and her girls. When it hits me…. Can you be a Godmother to a child, if you are not Catholic? So that’s where we both got stomped. Me being (somewhat) Christian, doesn’t know, and Heide being a non practicing Catholic… had even less of an idea. Well regardless… I’m honored that she would chose me to raise the girls.
Well that’s it for today… I feel my nausea coming… so I will end with this…
Positive note for the day:
It’s 10:30 and I am going to bed!
Hope the headache has gone and you're feeling better !
8:00 AM
I am happy to say they were gone that night! I think I just needed to vent them out. LOL
8:21 AM
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