Life is good... Enjoy what you have, and forget about what you don't!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Trainings Trainings and then some fun...

Trainings... Trainings... ugh.
I was in a Photoshop training all day yesterday and today. Now I love to learn new things, especially new software, but man, the first day (Tuesday) was such a drag. The instructor has this Scottish accent, so he kinda lengthens his words... and he would take 15 minutes just to explain how to open a document. Today however, was way better... maybe it's because he talked about stuff I didn't know about... AND I am sure it was because I (smartened up) and brought my Econ book to study during "down time". Regardless... I'm glad it's over and I am glad I got something out of it.

Let's see what else. Oh, Mark came over to my cube on Monday and was telling me about these questions he got from Vogue and what they said about you... so here is how they went, and what I answered;
1. What is your favorite animal and two reasons why?
My Answer: Dog 1-Because they are loyal 2-Because they are cute
Apparently this how I feel my friends view me, as loyal and cute.
2. What is your favorite body of water?
My Answer: Lake 1-because it's calm 2-because I have full control in it
Apparently this is how I am in bed. Calm and in control.

Too funny, of course I kept asking those questions to other people I knew.... just to see how they answered. One of my friends answered Cheetah to Q 1, her reasons... because they run fast and "look" like they are smart... HA!
Ahhh... what can I say, but that I truly enjoy my work and coworkers!


Blogger Shawn said...

I lovr computer training, so much so, I have signed up for more at good old IU. Ugh. I so feel ya, to many little things to pay attention to though. YUCK.

8:01 PM

Blogger lolly said...

I would have chosen cats, because they are independant and fiesty.

I would have chosen ocean, because they are wild and unpredictable.

I'm not saying either of those descriptions fit my personality, but i'm not saying they don't either.......

5:34 AM


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