I tend to shut down

My dad called Friday to wish me an early Happy Birthday (my birthday is not until Wednesday). He is so good at remembering. I usually try to call him on his birthday and fathers day, but it is so hard to get a hold of him. He still lives in Guatemala, and he is remarried, so I don’t have his home number. The only number I have is his work number. Well it was nice to hear from him and I am glad he called.
It’s always weird to me how people can tell when there is something on my mind. Apparently I shut down. At least that is what both my brother and dad said. Sometime last week my brother called me at work and asked if everything was ok. I said Yeah… and asked him why… he said… “you seem quiet lately”. Now if you ask my friends, they will tell you I am mellow and quiet, so I’m now sure how much quieter I get when the wheels in my head are turning but, then when my dad called, he also asked what was wrong. And again, I said nothing… why? And he said you just sound quiet.
Well I guess to confess… my truck is running weird, it’s trembling, and I imagine it will be a couple of grand to get it fixed, I’m turning 26 in a few days. Rowsie needs to go to the vet, she has some hot spots on her paws, and a goopy eye, and of course, I don’t have the time and her vet is closed on Saturday and Sunday. Did I mention I’m turning 26? I invited my cousins from Guatemala over to visit in December… and I haven’t started saving at all. Oh and did I mention I’m turning 26? (I’m afraid I’m getting old).
I know… I know… It will all work it’s self out. But sometimes, it’s hard not to worry about it.
No worries.. not awkward at all... just a little wierd... JK
Thanks for invite. Friends are taking me out Wednesday night... and a BBQ on Sat... and maybe even drinks Saturday night. It shouldn't be too bad.
Well thanks again. :)
10:01 PM
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