
Wierd Dream:
I dreamt that I was helping a woman watch a group of kids (like a birthday party, or something), well this one little girl who was about 4 or 5 years old was playing around and fell, face down. Well there was this guy there too, who helped her sit up and but the little girl kept crying and crying and this guy couldn't calm her down. So I walked over there, and asked her to show me where it hurt. Well the little girl pointed at her shins. Her shins were both broken to the point of being disformed. So I started to calm the little girl down and told her she needed to stay sitting until I got her some ice (and called her parents). So I left her with the guy and told him to not let her get up. Well when I came back with the ice bag in hand, the little girl was playing, running around.... I quickly picked her up and said "honey, you gotta sit down. You can't run around right now" and then put the ice on both her legs. Well the little girl had such a dissapointing look in her eyes.... -And then I woke up!
Funny Dream:
I dreamt that I was running through sprinklers. I could feel the nice cold water sprinkling on my face. It was so nice and cool... I loved it. It was refreshing.
So where is the funny part you ask... ahh yes... so my bed is positioned against the wall, which puts the only window in the room, on the right side of my bed. The window is low/wide enough so that it sits at level with my bed. Well since it's been really hot here the past couple of weeks, I have slept with the window wide open and the curtain pulled back. This lets in a nice breeze through out the night and in the early morning. Well apparently, last night/early this morning, there were thunderstorms and some showers through out the area. So you see the "sprinking water" I felt... it was actual RAIN! Ha ha ha!
I thought I had some strange dreams. ;)
When a friend was expecting her first baby, I dreamed she had it at home . . . and that it purred. We passed the baby back and forth, amazed at how it was purring. I woke up to find my cat plastered to my head, purring away. My friend and I still joke about her "purring baby". lol
10:40 PM
: ) That is TOOO funny! Echo. A purring baby! he he
9:08 AM
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