Life is good... Enjoy what you have, and forget about what you don't!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Damn people and their paranoia...

So we get this e-mail at work addressed to our whole group, from our Administrative Assistant asking if anyone is going to be off on X week, if so, to e-mail her back with exact days. So I open the e-mail and don't think much about it. I figure, they (the Execs) are planning an update (as they normally do and have done), so I brush it off, and continue with work. Well, next thing I know one of my co-workers comes over to my cube, all distressed, then she goes off saying that she believes the e-mail is related to lay offs. Now come the F on... Seriously... Must everything be about lay offs?
Now, I know the company I work for is infamous for laying off people. I understand that.... But why the need to start a hype, and to get people all railed up for?
I don't think I will ever understand.
I do know... I will keep my positive note... And if they lay me off (lets cross our fingers that doesn't happen)... I will just keep moving forward...


Blogger novoice said...

Hope your co-worker is just wasting a lot of energy worrying without reason.

Have a great weekend !

6:12 PM


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