Life is good... Enjoy what you have, and forget about what you don't!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Effects of some people

I hate the effect some people have on me. It’s not a bad effect. It’s just not an effect I want.

I saw Eric at work today. –Recap on Eric… he is a model maker that works in a different depart than I. I’ve worked with him once, and occasionally pass him through the halls. We exchange smiles, and sporadically say hi. - Anyway… everyone I know, regardless of how long I’ve known them, if I see them or pass them, I will smile and greet them. For what ever reason… that only God know, when I pass him, the only thing I do is smile. And instantly I feel as if I am turning red. What the hell? Seriously. I know I am not in High School or Grade School for that to be happening. Well today as I was nearing a “T” intersection in one of the halls at work, Eric, along with a co-worker (I know) rounded the corner and start heading towards me. All that came out of my mouth was a greeting for the co-worker. I totally ignored him. I felt so bad, but of course I couldn’t go back and do anything about it. L Oh well. I’ll make an effort to change it for the next time. I’ll cross my fingers. LOL

All week, I keep thinking about how much I want to go back and be a kid again. Maybe 12 or 13 years old. I just think it sucks that as you get older, your body gets slower, you spend more time at work, and you can’t hang out with your friends during the day.

Ok… enough with the bitching… Brightside for today… mmm…… hm…. Ok, I don’t have one yet. But the day is not over, so when I get one, I will post it.
Bright side: I got out of school early again.... and went straight to bed! ;)


Blogger Shawn said...

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8:49 PM

Blogger Shawn said...

dude how is Cali? Sorry no writing for a while, computer was so broken and getting repaired.
All is sort of well here, kinda pressed for time will talk more later....

8:50 PM


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