Life is good... Enjoy what you have, and forget about what you don't!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Nothing too exciting..

Nothing too exciting these past couple of days. My friends and I went out to the Ivar in Hollywood on Friday… quite a night – let me just say, by the end of the night Amy and I were breaking up a guy fight, Ivonne’s friend screamed at us, I check his ass, Christine was passed out in the back seat of my truck, and I crawled into bed at 4:30am. (sigh) good times, good times!

Well again nothing too exciting this week, I’ve been hitting the gym on a regular basis, so I am back on my routine…. Plus I’m sure it helps, that the hard work has been paying off. Started a new class… Managerial Accounting… not as bad as I thought… mainly accounting principles and what not.

My aunt flew back to Guatemala last week, I gotta admit, although it was a pain to drive her around, I kinda miss her. I wish she, my uncle, and my cousins would just move out here… they might as well – apparently it’s way dangerous over there and as it is they are struggling financially…. Well regardless of what I think, I am sure they know what they are doing.

I spoke to my dad this weekend too. I’d have to say, it’s the longest conversation I’ve had with him via phone ever… a whopping 22 minutes. I was shocked. It was good thought, we just chatted about everything. I’m thinking about visiting him next year… maybe around May or June… my only dilemma is that I would have to forgo my Europe trip… oh, decisions – decisions.

On another note, I’m looking into purchasing a house…. Or condo… just something to call my own, with the market leveling off, I think this might be a good time. I’m just looking though… just curious to see what I can afford – I guess. We’ll see, though.

Well that’s about it for now… my good note for the day… “The Last Kiss” comes out this Friday. I am off to buy tickets now!


Blogger Broo said...

Things ARE expensive... but we'll see how it goes.

8:28 AM


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