Life is good... Enjoy what you have, and forget about what you don't!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

(Yawn) I'm so tired!

I’ve been really tired all day long…. Since the minute I got up this morning, all I’ve wanted to do is, go back to bed. Not sure what is going on… I’m blaming it on the weather, although it gets to about mid to high 70’s during the middle of the day… the mornings are bloody gloomy and a bit chilly too. It’s an awful way to start your day!

So, I will be house/dog sitting this weekend and all of next week. It’s a really nice house with a pool… so I am looking forward to that. Their dogs are super sweet, and they jump in the pool when they please…. So this weekend I will be lounging by the pool, with a drink in hand… all weekend long!

I take a final tomorrow night, and then I am off for two weeks. I’m very excited about that!


Blogger novoice said...

Good luck with the final. Enjoy your relaxing weekend by the pool !

7:40 AM

Blogger Shawn said...

so I thought I would send you a happy little California poem I wrote a few years ago when I lived there. So here it is, I hope your weekend was good....
by the way, it has nothing to do with Cali...

From California

Assuming pharmaceuticals:
loosing the effective control, opening the door the sky grows brighter, now that the steps have slowed. It is never. It is enough
to feel the weakening soul departing earthly holds. Growing weaker depending on the picture you hold, it does hold you
tightly in the grain, it feeds deeply devouring the inside.
The shake of midnight madness begins earlier, the body convulses, spit revolves through opened lips craving only the slightest hint of air. Breathe. The nightmare of pressure builds to the black pitchless forks erupting the temple of the vessel for which life grows. Alone in the end. The throne calls. To be judged. Just breathe.
Scraping on the wall, the head tries to rest closer, thinking that safety will protect the twenty 4 days of endless awake. God ask me for anything but this.
The sign of the wind and the clouds bringing rain, dancing again. Just breathe.
It is a cloak of what was,
not real, as nightmares of steel run through fingered hands trying to find the happy little ending to this revelation. Kicking me while I am down, no longer hurts, aggravation of doom is the king of betrayal. And I am aggravated. In this kingdom of nothing, the struggle of black lungs trying to capture the essence of needed, they strut in the lost art of knowing it is a gift and not a right. It is not right, alright
the countdown is ringing in ears smaller than yours but clarity is the curse of all the words spoke in them lately. I can still hear, I can still feel, I can still.
Just breathe.

12:55 AM

Blogger Broo said...

I love it! Thank you! :)

9:38 AM


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