Life is good... Enjoy what you have, and forget about what you don't!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Blah... continues

Tuesday turned out to be just as bad as Monday. I called out sick in the morning, because late Monday I got a really bad migrane followed by some bad cramping. I didn’t eat anything out of the ordinary for dinner, so I’m not sure what caused it. Regardless I spent all day Tuesday in the bathroom… I was finally able to keep a bowl of chicken noodle soup down by around 4pm… Being sick is the worse. I hate not going to work, and I hate that feeling of being behind on your work/school work because of it.

Anyway… to top things off, my friends uncle called. I let any number I didn’t recognize go straight to voice mail, because I didn’t want to deal with it. I felt shitty already, and talking to him was only going to make me feel shitty-ER! Well, I kept thinking up scenarios as to how I could get out of this, without looking like a bitch, going on a date, AND the feel of guilt. Well after thinking it through I’ve decided to just make my “friend” call him and tell him I am seeing someone at the time. I mean, heck she is the one who started this bull shit, so, who better to nip it in the butt. Right? RIGHT!

You know, I am rethinking this “friend” at the moment. You see, this is the third time she has pulled shit like this. The first one was the stripper intervention, check out “My Fear” post in May, and the second was when we went somewhere (where I can’t remember) and she told me it was just going to be her and a few friends… not her boyfriend (I have nothing against her boyfriend, it’s just that when she is around him they are all over each other, so not liking to feel like the 3rd wheel, I choose not to go), well he ended up coming, and as predicted… they were all over each other!

Well I’m back at work today. I still have a slight headache, but hopefully it will slowly go away. I will update as soon as I talk to my friend and tell her the above!
So I did it. I called my friend and told her straight out, I couldn't call her uncle. I thought about it, and thought about, but there was no way I could call him back with out leading him on, or being able to play it off later. So like I said, I told her I couldn't call him and that she needed to call him and tell him that I started seeing someone this weekend... or something along those lines. Well her automatic response was "but he thinkgs you gave me permission to give him your number" I said... I didn't so she needed to figure this out on her own, but one thing was for sure... I was not calling him. So I think she was mad.... oh well... she will get over it. :)
My body is feeling better though... I couldn't run my usual distance tonight, so I opted for some light weights and lunges...I know my legs will be hurting tomorrow.
Im getting super frustrated with this whole access thing... sorry I keep bitching about it, but fuck it's killing me. Just when I get something figured out... I feel like I have to start all over again. UGH... I think what makes it a lot harder is that this is a "team project'... and well my team members' knowlege of Access is less than mine... so you can imagine... there is now one guiding us... plus everyone I know that knows about access is cuincidently out of town... heffers!


Blogger Broo said...

Thanks O, I'm sure we will both get over it. Meanwhile, like you, I should be opting for minimizing communication, but I just can't! :) It's the only thing keeping me sane from the crazyness that is MS Access! :) LOL

8:25 PM

Blogger novoice said...

No group projects for me thank you, unless I can pick the members of my group. Always seems like one person ends up doing all the work, and at least one other person doesn't do anything. Hope it all goes well.

11:09 PM


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