Life is good... Enjoy what you have, and forget about what you don't!

Monday, May 23, 2005

Someone said...

Someone in a blog said that we only let people see what we want them to see. This is too true. I have found that some of my closest freinds, don't really know me. Its not their fault. I just don't tell much. It's not that I don't want to... its just I guess I don't want to go into detail. It's wierd. I can bare everything, when I write... but when it comes to talking... my feelings, my thoughts, everything gets burried. To tell you...I have never cried in front of a friend. I have only cried when I am alone.

I have had a .....BLAH....... day.
I found out one of the jobs I really wanted...
does not want me!

Rejection! EGH...

Its interesting, though.

Had I known this last week, I would have not given it too much thought and moved on...

Today... Today was a different story.
I cried... I wept...
I don't know why... but I just kept weeping. Like a little girl... I felt so weak! I didn't like it! I kept thinking... "I'm being foolish" "What the fuck is wrong with me?"... I knew it wasnt the job... but I still cried!


Blogger camden said...

Sorry to hear you had a bad day. Hope my "luck" is not rubbing off on to you tonight.

5:38 AM

Blogger Broo said...

You guys are so sweet. Thank you so much for being there for me!... and NO- Its not either of your lucks... its just life!

8:47 PM


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