I've been swamped...
I've been super swamped lately... I decided to take a full load at school, with my intention being to finish my BA by Spring '07.... but right now... right this second... I'm thinking it was a bad idea. (Sigh)
I expect things will get easier, and I know for a fact that I will get through this, but trying to stay on top of four classes AND complete my work (at work) successfully... is proving to be harder than expected. At work we are getting ready for the '07 lines so my work load has increased dramatically, and the turn around time, had not changed. I still like what I do, and I feel that without deadlines... I am not as successful as I can be.
Besides school and work, there is one other thing that has me a little on the edge. I am in the process of purchasing my first home. ahhh... this truly makes me so fucking nervous. I am trusting in God that he will never give me more than what I can handled, and that this is the right decision. It a great house, 3 brm, 2 baths, 2 car garage, and a pool. It's near where we live now, nice neighborhood, and great yard. If I am correct, I opened escrow this weekend.... so right now.. right this second... Im shitting bricks... ok not literally-but my palms do get sweaty every time I think about it.
All in all, I am good, I have small, but very life altering things on my plate.
But I will survive. I WILL survive...
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